Whether you book your stay at the White Lion via computer, tablet or mobile, we hope to make the booking process as hassle-free as possible.

To provide you with the best available price on any given day of the year we operate a dynamic pricing system, which enables us to guarantee the best quote for your hotel booking. These rates vary and are re-calculated each day according to availability and demand, so we recommend booking as early as possible from initial enquiry stage.

Our Best Rate Guarantee applies only to publicly available rates and excludes unpublished rates, such as member or association discounts, corporate or negotiated rates, group rates, meeting delegate rates or any promotional campaigns. Other terms may apply.


We hate it when things go wrong, but by booking directly with the hotel your contract is with us, not a third party, and therefore we have more flexibility to provide a solution. We offer a longer cancellation notice period than most online travel agents, and discounted pre-paid rates and packages not available via third parties. Make sure you book direct to ensure the most flexibility on your booking.

Exclusively through us

White Lion Hotel, coastal hotel in Suffolk, comfortable lounge looking out to sea
White Lion Hotel, coastal hotel in Suffolk, Fresh Scallops
White Lion Bedroom, straightening cushion on the bed

Our dinner and special offer packages will only ever be available through the hotelĀ itself either online via our website or over the phone, so make sure you always book direct with The White Lion Hotel to ensure that you get the best rates on your booking.